
I Hate Religion Reddit

The hottest video on YouTube right now is a 5-minute spoken-word composition titled “Why I Hate Religion, But I Love Jesus.” Recorded by 22-year-old Seattle resident Jefferson Bethke, the clip has been viewed more than 18 million times since it was posted on Jan. Why I Hate Religion (self.atheism) submitted 2 hours ago by DaRealRandomRedditer So, I have read so many stories about religion and how it has destroyed people's lives, mine is not an extreme, one time thing that has destroyed my belief, it's something I have noticed over time and something that has very slowly but surely made me realize what. I am so curious why reddit is full of atheists raging against religion. I thought that r/Christianity would surely be full of intellectual discussion of life and the love of God, but instead I find a mere 8 posts when on the front page there is an average of 20 posts about hating God or why famous people hated God. Islam is the worst religion for no thought is allowed. I will have you know is that Islam believes in peace and that you mustn't kill! The small minority are the terrorists, there are terrorists in many different religions, including Christianity. Start doing your research.

Desired to, make sure you read ourour! Planning of informing your mother and father?. ▼.Welcome to, the web's largest atheist community forum.

All subjects associated to atheism, agnosticism and secular living are welcome.Read before publishing:1 -.2 - No.3 - Articles must become.4 - All Pictures must end up being in a.5 - Perform not publish.6 - No Low-Effort Posts7 - Follow. Check out our and Are you planning to:(click on if any use)Recommended:, and.Have to haveused by Right now with an associated Minecraft server! FiltersClick the squarés below to filter to particular subjects or distribution typesGivingAssistance. I believe a great deal of individuals define religion differently as properly. I don't understand if I would consider myself, 'religious,' but I would think about myself an Athéist/Agnóstic Buddhist in that l wear't really care and attention about, know the answers to, or sense it essential to spend time considering about superstition. However, I exercise Buddhism in the feeling of official meditation, study, and consideration in that tradition of idea. This would create me religious in the eyes of some.I don't deny that brand nor perform I completely embrace it.

If a lasting Frankish kingdom is to emerge from Rome's ashes, the people must be unified - the Franks must be one! LoadingAs the world stands on the edge of chaos, the Franks hover between two roles; as destroyers or inheritors, they are on the cusp of realising their full potential. While the current Frankish leader Faramund's rule is a fine example for future rulers, a bolder warlord could lead them to greatness against the failing Empire. A confederation of Germanic tribes from the lower Rhine region, they were defeated and eventually allowed to settle at Toxandria as foederati. /total-war-attila-franks.html.

I don't think about myself dogmatic, bigotéd, hateful, because thé tradition I fit in to needs I constantly issue my very own thought procedure until I know it, and then let go of the qualities that link me to hatred, greed, delusion, and the hurting that arrives with those says. We do this practice for the benefit of others simply because significantly we do for ourselves. There possess been people in that former who have used Buddhism to promote themselves and for individual gain, but this is correct with any religion. As longer as I adhere to these teachings as I understand them I have always been needed to end harming others and harming myself.


Notice also:Deepfakes was a controversial subreddit that superimposed famous female actresses onto pornographic videos, made making use of FakeApp, without the consent of the performers. Such stars incorporated. After the subreddit was provided notoriety from the press, videos from the subreddit were banned from.

On February 7, 2018, the day time after banned the videos, the subreddit was banned mainly because well. FatPeopleHate On August 10, 2015, Reddit banned four subréddits, citing an ánti-harassment plan. The largest of the banned subreddits, /l/fatpeoplehate, got an approximated 151,000 subscribers at the time of its banning. The additional three subreddits were /r/hamplanethatred, /l/neofag, and /r/shitniggerssay. A Reddit admin stated, 'We will ban subreddits that enable their neighborhoods to use the subreddit as a platform to harass people when moderators put on't take actions'.Because of the bar, Reddit customers inundated the site with pictures of over weight people and Reddit'beds temporary CEO.

Owing to the decision to ban these subreddits, some customers moved to, a cultural aggregation website comparable to Reddit. Goré Related to thé, /l/gore has been banned for 'glorifying or stimulating violence' at around 17:35 UTC on March 15, 2019.Greatawakening. Notice also:The subreddit /r/greatawakening was a subreddit for the conspiracy theory, which argues the Trump management is checking out a prevalent child intercourse trafficking movement. The subreddit has been banned on Sept 12, 2018 credited to violating Reddit'h content policy regarding violence and personal details. A previous subreddit for the conspiracy theory theory, /l/CBTSStream, has been banned on Drive 14, 2018 for violating Reddit't content policy against violence.

A back-up for the subreddit, /l/TheGreatAwakening, was also prohibited.GunsForSale In January 2014, released a tale explaining the purchase of guns on the web site. The report suggested that sellers were carrying out so to take advantage of a loophole in U.H. Almost 100 AR-15s had been etched with the Reddit logo as component of a licensing offer produced with the page in 2011. This subreddit was prohibited on Mar 21, 2018.Incels A subreddit founded for ', /l/incels, has been a discussion board wherein associates discussed their lack of passionate success. The definition of an inceI on the subréddit has been somebody who has unintentionally gone at minimum six weeks without a passionate partner and is at least 21 yrs older; self-described incels are largely heterosexual males. Many members adhered to thé ' ideology, which éspoused despondency frequently coupled with sights that condoned, downplayed, or recommended, while mentioning to females as 'femoids' and 'sluts'. Significant black tablet posts included 'reasons why ladies are usually the embodiment of nasty' and 'evidence that girls are nothing but garbage that use men'.

Customers deemed too female-friendly, or who claimed that women experienced inceldom to the same degree as men, were banned. The subreddit's users intermittently either revered or disliked 'normies' and 'Cháds' for their cóurtship skills, with some admiring murderers like as, criminal of the, who determined as an 'inceI'.In the summer season of 2017, a request on known as for /r/incels to become prohibited for inciting. Right after the October execution of a new Reddit policy that prohibited the of violence, the subreddit had been prohibited on Nov 7, 2017. At the period of its banning, /ur/incels had around 40,000 subscribers.l/Braincels consequently became the almost all well-known subreddit for incels, gaining 16,900 followers by Apr 2018. The subreddit't management disavowed the and deleted some content by members who praised Alek Minassian's alleged activities.

In September 2018, the subreddit along with another subreddit, had been quarantined - not prohibited, but noted as controversial and subject to specific restrictions. Quarantine evasion subreddits like as r/Mindcels and ur/Intellectualcels were prohibited.Jailbait Reddit's staff members was primarily opposed to the inclusion of obscene material to the site, but they ultimately became even more lenient when legendary moderators, like as a consumer called /u/violentacrez, demonstrated capable of identifying and removing illegal content at a period when they were not adequately staffed to consider on the task. Communities dedicated to direct material noticed rising popularity, with /r/jailbait, which featured provocative photos of underage teenagers, being chosen 'subreddit of the calendar year' in the 'Greatest of reddit' user poll in 2008 and at one stage producing 'jailbait' the 2nd most common search expression for the web site. Erik Martin, general supervisor of Reddit, looked after the jailbait subreddit by stating that like controversial web pages had been a consequence of enabling free talk on the web site./ur/jailbait emerged to wider interest outside Reddit whén of CNN dedicated a segment of to condémning the subreddit ánd criticizing Reddit fór hosting it. Originally this caused a surge in Web visitors to the subreddit, leading to the page to peak at 1.73 million views on the day of the document.

In the wake up of these information reports, a Reddit consumer posted an picture of an underage gal to /r/jailbait, eventually claiming to possess naked images of her as well. A bunch of Reddit users then submitted requests for these naked pictures to end up being propagated to them by personal message.

Various other Reddit customers drew attention to this dialogue and the /ur/jailbait community forum was subsequently shut by Reddit managers on October 11, 2011. Critics, like as /r/jailbait's i9000 originator, disputed promises that this twine has been the schedule of the choice, instead claiming it was an excuse to close down a controversial subreddit due to recent negative press protection.

I think the initial video has been handling legalism and religiosity even more than religion. The author made valid factors about the most severe aspects of structured religion of all stripes.It'beds not an possibly/or.

It't both/and. It'h furthermore a continuum, a route, a trip for the specific, and spirituality will be one finish of that procession, the starting location on the route.Residing in community, worshipping in area, working jointly to glorify God is definitely a attractive issue. Creating lists of guidelines and playing comparison games and judging and the hypocrisy that certainly follows that type of matter is not really so appealing.Many issues that possess been done in the title of one reIigion or another do not glorify God at all. In fact, they glorify Satan.The video, in my viewpoint, is certainly a call to numerous religious businesses to clear up their very own houses before they continue to stage their fingers at everyone else.That so many spiritual people instantly set out to attack this young man is usually quite informing.

What are they so scared of? Why perform they require to quiet him, to négate him?The primary movie could have got been the beginning of a much-needed conversation, and a conversation that may have got drawn people back again to faith communities.Sadly, the legalistic and spiritual put an end to that very darned rapidly.